

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Election Results - Stage 2: Anger

Continuing with my efforts to help move past the election results, today we will be addressing the uglier side of politics, no, I'm not talking about sex scandals, I'm talking about Anger, something that any liberal attempting to protest an NRA gathering is all too familiar with.


"This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!..." Donald Trump on his Twitter Feed

Anger, the ugly cousin of grief that always gets an obligatory invite to the party, but we all hope that they never show up. Once the results of the election started to solidify and the shock fades, who else but anger's grotesque form rears into the human psyche. 

%#@%&*$ Ninjas
It's Romney's fault, he abandoned Ohio and Virginia in the eleventh hour for a hail-mary pass in Pennsylvania  Minnesota, and Michigan. It's Obama's fault for painting such a horrid picture of such a decent and respectable man. It's the media's fault for slanting their vetting process in the President's favor, and ultimately, it's the Secret Society of Republican Ninja's fault, numbering in the millions and amassing in the Ohio valley and Florida's pan handle, for not only omitting their 10,000,000 solid republican votes, but for not existing in the first place!

Anger is natural enough, but it's how we decide to vent this anger that will judge the parties character moving forward. Reports of people committing suicide and running over their spouse with a car are not helping to transcend the situation, the best thing that comes from these incidents is late night monologue jokes, and considering that republicans are naturally opposed to humor in most forms, I would have to determine that these approaches will ultimately fail in swaying any votes to the right.

Anger, hate, and blame can be pointed in many directions, but for every finger you point at another faction or person who you accuse of costing Romney the election, the more soft money will slip through your fingers, and you will want that money as you move on to the next stage of grief; Bargaining.

Election Results - Stage 1: Denial

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