

Monday, September 24, 2012

Money Disparity

Who's money is this?
The Los Angeles Times did a piece about how President Obama is employing roughly twice as many paid staffers for his campaign then Gov. Mitt Romney, for about the same amount of money. Here is a litany of legitimate reasons for this;
  1. Half of Obama's Staff is paid with unemployment checks.
  2. Romney thinks a fair livable wage is $250/hr.
  3. Half of Obama's staff is made up of fake names.
  4. Romney pays his staff in stock options from his personal investment portfolio, which he calls the CAYMAN CHA CHING!
  5. Obama has "Work for the same wage as the homeless" Wednesdays.
  6. Romney has "Work for the same wage as me" Mondays, from Noon to 12:01pm.
  7. Obama charges his employees 35%, plus a 5% sir tax to work for him.
  8. Romney is paying off staffers from the last 10 years of campaigns, but refuses to release any of their names.
  9. Obama is waiting until after re-election, then he will "Have more flexibility" to pay his staffers.
  10. The other half of Romney's campaign works in India.
  11. Obama's staff took a 50% pay cut on the promise they get to meet Beyonce.
  12. Romney just pays his staff with whatever change he finds in his couch cushion.
  13. Obama declared himself half of his staff exempt from pay.
  14. Romney likes to surround himself with rich people.
  15. Obama pays his staff with U.S. Treasury Bonds.
  16. The other half of Romney's staff is on strike, Obama has no comment.
Why don't the poor just buy some more money?
Hopefully that clears up some confusions. As with most things this election cycle, just doing a little bit of investigative journalism will bring all these things to light. What's that? You don't believe that I spent tedious painstaking hours putting these 'facts' together. Well, what good are facts, when you have THE TRUTH on your side!

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