

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Healthcare is Here!

Today is October 1, 2013, and, of course that means the so-called "ObamaCare" Healthcare.gov website is ready for business.


Allthough the government IT department knew this day was coming for years, and should have been able to get over the initial hump of traffic coming through today, some allowance and patience needs to be granted.

Your's truly had to wait about 20 minutes just to load up the registration page

The bigger question is, with the government shutdown going on across the nation, who is available to fix it? Surely the IT staff is not considered a critical staffing, wait when active military need a separate funding appropriation just to avoid the country being left completely defenseless from invaders, both foreign and from outer space.

With SNL doing jokes about the complexity of signing up for a healthcare plan through the exchanges, the timing of these website issues couldn't be worse. People are trying to punch in personal information and have no idea if it's getting through. Expect this launch to add fuel to the political fires of trepidation and fear about the governments ability to manage such a huge scale project.

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