

Friday, May 11, 2012

Avengers 2 Road Map

Suffice to say, I think I squealed in my seat when I saw Thanos turn his head towards the camera at the end of The Avengers. So, knowing what I know about the Marvel Universe. Here is what I think the next several movies will be/should be played out to get us to Avengers 2: The Infinity Gauntlet;

Thor 2: I think bringing in Thanos would make a lot of sense here. Yes, Avengers ended with the line implying that Earth would make a sweet serenade for the Mistress Death, but, in several story arcs, Mistress Death desires that which she can not have, the soul of an Immortal. With the help of Loki (of course) Thanos tricks Thor to return to Earth where he is alone and separated from his friends in Asgard. Ending with a stand offish moment where Thanos threatens the life Nurse... err... Astrophysicist Jane if he does not submit, some scenario that leaves the audience know that Thor saved the day not because he was stronger then Thanos, but for some other reason. Credit scene with Loki (or maybe another character) in weapons chamber swiping the Infinity Gauntlet.

Iron Man 3: Already hears the rumor that  Ben "Sexy Beast" Kingsley will play The Mandarin, which should be great departure of Technology based villains in the first two movies. I would tweak his origin story to tie in with one of the Gems of the Infinity Gauntlet (probably Souls, a la Valley of Souls). Nothing too scene stealing, just a shot of a green shimmer during his escalation to SUPER villain. With an after credits scene again of Loki or some other known baddy snatching the gem.

Captain America 2: Prop up the Good Guys in this one. Introduce Giant/Ant Man, Wasp, Vision, Scarlet Witch, or some variation as minor characters picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D. The list of possible story arcs here are endless, part of me would love to see Nick Fury travel with him to Africa to confront Black Panther. (Shaft in Africa Spoof!) Or perhaps if Giant Man is prevalent, introducing Ulton (Though I have a feeling this will be saved for Avengers 3), but most likely it will be Baron Zemo in some form. Like I said, lay down the ground work for swapping out Hawkeye's and Black Widow's roster spots for some fresh faces here (Got to sell those toys!)  Credit Scene of aforementioned baddy presenting Thanos with a final gem/completed Infinity Gauntlet.

Avengers 2: I would veer away from doing too much with this character wise. You will need an Adam Warlock type character, but if you infuse Silver Surfer and Dr. Stranges role's from the original Comic series into this character you can pull it off while spending a lot less time on back story during the movie. Beyond that the possibilities are endless. And regardless of how the individual movies play out I am already super pumped for the sequels!!

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