

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Every Time You Point Your Finger

Since it is a well known fact that Obama is infallible and not capable of making mistakes, the only possible explanation for the error-riden Healthcare.gov website debacle is that someone else is trying to do harm to the great and noble experiment called Obama-Care. Get your blacklists ready, 'cause we're taking names of all the people that obviously need to shoulder the responsibility for this law, that was passed with the noblest of intentions after weeks of painstaking debate and compromise. This list is filled with all the groups of people that have had the finger of accusation pointed at them. Each accusation is clearly cited though some of these may still make you go 'really?' or even laugh out loud, but all groups are being put on notice.

Insurance Companies - It's those dirty crooks, they could have been taking your money the whole time, but decided since it wouldn't "fulfill their policy holder's legal requirement" to be covered for that they would greedily just stop offering their coverage that would have incurred a fine anyway.

Republicans - Those bastards knew, they knew and they did nothing but try and stop this train wreck from occurring in the first place 30+ pathetic times.

The Tea Party - Even worse then the GOP. We know they knew 'cause they kept telling us what was in the law because these are the only bastards that read it. They had to of known that we don't believe anything that comes out of their mouths and that's why they kept telling us.

Fox News -From Sean Hannity to Sarah Palin, how where we supposed to get this thing implemented while the free press keeps asking all these nagging questions like 'Why does this cost so much?' and 'why isn't it lowering anyone premiums?'

Software Coding - With all it's elaborate functions and variables and hypertext. How is anyone supposed to be able to understand what....

if (window.opener != null && !window.opener.closed) { var txtName = window.opener.document.getElementById("txtName"); txtName.value = document.getElementById("ddlNames").value


Christians - You fear the wrath of some invisible man but you can't find enough forbearance in you to shut up and take it from a real life flesh and blood politician?

The Media - Obviously separate from Faux News. But seemingly still in cahoots with this group of people that expect questions to have answers and people who are elected to be held accountable.

Hackers - Not sure when and where they struck, but someone said that the site was highly susceptible. So we are just rolling with the idea that the sites already been hit.

The Private Sector - With their fancy 'look at me' websites like Amazon and Kayak. Just like the wealthy, it's so easy to have nice things when you already have nice things. Someone should really just give us nice things so it's all fair.

Koch Brothers - Bring up any Ed Shultz clip and I can prove to you how evil these makers of Bounty and other day to day household items are. Seriously, any Ed Shultz Clip.

The House Oversight Committee - You spend a few hundred million dollars on a chunk of software that can't even play a game tic-tac-toe to a draw, and suddenly everyone starts freaking out that maybe the government isn't spending it's time and resources wisely.

Young People - To paraphrase our preceding President, "They are either with us or they are right wing racist nut jobs that have been indoctrinated by the misinformation and hate speech of the vast right wing conspiracy."

And of course, when all other scapegoats fail, there is always zombies to blame it on. Or perhaps the Secret Society of Republican Ninjas has struck again! Regardless, one thing is perfectly clear, it is not the fault of this President. Of course in order to accept this you have to dismiss who conceived, campaigned for, and managed the entire thing for the last 5 years. Luckily, these are not important aspects of legislation.

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